GOMESA Cultural Notes

[go- mee sa]

These Orchids
have a large and diverse num-
ber of habitats. They may
originate anywhere from sea level in the tropics to the high
elevations of the Andes in South America. Gomesa can
readily breed with Aspasia, Brassia, Cochlioda, Cyrtochilum,
Miltonia, Oncidium, Rhyncostele, Tolumnia and Zelenkoa
among others.
LIGHT: Requirements for light vary from bright to nearly
full sun which depends on the species. Generally the thick-
er leafed species can take more light than the thinner
leafed varieties.
TEMPERATURE: Generally this group of orchids are con-
sidered intermediate to warm. They will tolerate the heat if
the humidity and air movement are increased.
WATERING: Water thoroughly every 2 to 10 days depend-
ing on the temperatures. Don’t allow plants to be totally
dry before watering again. Plants not actively growing will
require less watering.
HUMIDITY: This should be between 30% to 60%. Most
greenhouses have adequate humidity but in the home, it is
suggested that the pots be placed on a tray of moist peb-
bles (ensuring the water level remains below the top of the
pepples). Do not place them near the fire place or in the
path of the warm air from your air conditioner.
FERTILIZING: Do this regularly while the plants are in ac-
tive growth. A high nitrogen 30-10-10 fertilizer twice a
month is ideal for plants in a bark based potting mix. Those
mounted on hosts need a more general 20-20-20 fertilizer.
Ease up on the fertilizer when winter arrives.
POTTING: Spring is the best time for repotting or dividing
these treasures. Wait for the new growth to half mature
and ensure that the new roots are active so they can get
into a bark potting mix or attach themselves to their host
as they would in the wild. Place the plant to the back of the
pot allowing space for those new growths to get their new
root system into the new potting medium. Firm the mix
well around the roots and keep the humidity high and the
potting medium dryish until new roots form.
PROBLEMS: Hot dry days can be your worst enemy so
ensure the humidity is always checked on hot windy days.
Second to that can be aphids. And wood borers can be a
pain if you have your plants mounted on wood or cork
bark. So just keep alert for those hassles and treat the in-
sects with an insecticide.